Rp 500.000 - 4,000,000
Extra Items
Mini Studio 3x4 M
Extra Hour
Projector + Screen 3X4 M + Stand
Photobooth Unlimited 3 hours
Same Day Edit
Extra Photographer
Extra Videographer
Dokumenter Video 1 Hours max
Drone 2 Baterai Flight
Album Photobook 22 hlm
Album Magazine 60 hlm
Cinematic Full Clip 15-20 minutes
Live Stream With Zoom 1 camera (Platform)
Frameless Canvas 50x70
Frameless Canvas 40x60
Frameless Canvas 20x30
Canvas + Frame 50x70
Canvas + Frame 40x60
`Beli Sekarang

(2023) All Price in Million
All Price and detail information can be Change at Anytime Without Prior Notice

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